Thinking Of Getting An Oral Piercing? Learn These Dental Problems It Can Cause Before You Do
If you want to pierce your tongue or cheek, you should know that these piercings can cause you to have dental problems. There is a lot of bacteria in your mouth, and the piercing site could easily become infected and swell. Besides this, these piercings can cause dental problems, two of which are listed below. This can help you decide if getting a piercing is a good choice for you.
Is Your Diabetes Putting You at Risk of Gum Disease?
If you have diabetes, you may be surprised to learn that you also have an increased risk for gum disease. Nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes and nearly 22 percent of those Americans also have periodontal disease. The reasons may seem complicated, but the more you understand about the connection between your diabetes and the health of your mouth, the better you will be able to prevent unnecessary dental problems.
2 Bad Habits That Have Just Been Discovered To Wreak Havoc On Oral Health
You likely know that maintaining good oral hygiene habits at home is just as important for the health of your teeth and gums as visiting the dentist every six months is. However, you may think you are doing everything right at home to promote good oral health, such as brushing your teeth two or three times a day, flossing daily, and even using a fluoride-filled mouth rinse regularly, yet not realize that a few of your other daily habits you don't think effect your teeth at all are secretly taking a toll on your oral health.
Mistakes To Avoid When Dealing With A Knocked Out Tooth
Dental emergencies do occur on occasion, and the best way to prepare for an emergency is to understand what should and should not be done when an incident occurs. Knocking out a permanent adult tooth is one thing you may experience and there are several mistakes that need to be avoided when such an accident occurs. Keep reading to understand these mistakes and also what you should do instead.
Mistake - Cleaning The Tooth Aggressively
Tooth Be Told: 6 Ways Your Life Will Change With Dentures
Change can be good or bad, but in most cases, it can take some getting use to. Such is the case with new dentures, where, in the beginning, the change may seem strange or even bothersome; however, in the long run, the change turns out to be something very positive. Here's how you can expect your life to change with new dentures, for the most part:
1. You'll Be Self-Conscious, At First
Diabetes And Dental Care: What Can You Do To Keep Gum Disease At Bay?
If you're a diabetic with minor problems with your gums, you may wonder how you can keep the problems from becoming worse. If your gums bleed or feel sore when you brush your teeth, it's important that you treat the issues now. Your minor gum problems can quickly turn into periodontal disease, which may eventually lead to tooth loss. In addition, your gum problems may interfere with how you manage or control your diabetes.
Tips to Help Prevent Serious Dental Implant Infections
Dental implants are extremely common tooth replacements that require the surgical placement of a titanium implant root. While dental implants have an extremely high success rate, surgery is still required to fit the root. This means that surgical complications can occur, even though they are rare. One of the most common implant complications is peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is a dental implant infection that affects both the soft tissues and the bone around the implant site.
Best Practices For Keeping Your Dental Implants Stain-Free
Dental implants are a highly popular way of restoring a perfect smile after losing one or more teeth. However, one concern that many patients have involves safeguarding dental implants against unsightly stains. Although the materials used in dental implants are resistant against stains, they aren't completely impervious. The following outlines a few best practices you can use to prevent stains from appearing on your dental implants.
Abstain from Smoking and Chewing Tobacco
Smokers With Mouth Ulcers And B12 Deficiency: How Do They Connect Together?
If you're a smoker who experiences painful mouth sores on your gums, inner cheeks and tongue, you may wonder why you have the sores and how can you ease the pain. One of the problems with smoking is that it affects the way your body metabolizes and uses minerals that protect your oral health, including vitamin B12, or cobalamin. The nutrient helps protect your immune system, nervous system, skin, and cells from disease and other issues.
What To Do If Dental Implants Cause Gum Tissue To Darken
You peer into the mirror to get a good look at your smile after getting dental implants, and that's when you notice it. The gum tissue near where the implant was placed is darker than the rest of your gums. Discolored gum tissue is not uncommon after getting dental implants, but here is what you should do if you notice it and a couple of ideas on how to correct the problem.