
How To Correctly Handle Knocked-Out Teeth To Maximize Reimplantation Success

Dental avulsion is the official name for when a tooth is literally knocked out of its socket. This type of trauma is typically caused by being hit in the face with an object. The good news about this type of injury is the tooth can sometimes be reimplanted into the mouth, as long as it's a permanent tooth and the person obtains dental care within 30 minutes. How the tooth is handled after the trauma can greatly affect the chances of successful reimplantaion, so here's what you need to do immediately after a tooth is knocked out.

Three Things That Make People Ineligible For Dental Implants

Dental implant placement is a relatively safe procedure with a 98 percent success rate. Because of this, it's fairly easy to think anyone can have it done. In reality, there are certain physiological and mental health conditions that can make dental implant placement unsafe for people who have them. Here are three things that make people ineligible for dental implants. Heart Disease and Related Conditions Any condition that affects how the heart functions will make any dentist proceed with caution when determining if a patient is a good candidate for dental implants.

4 Tips for Caring Your Baby's Teeth

Caring for your child's dental health from an early age is important to give their teeth a healthy foundation to grow and develop. Because babies' and toddlers' teeth and gums are much softer than adults', you have to take extra care to prevent decay. Here are four tips to help you care for your child's teeth. Wash the Gums Before Teeth Grow in Even before your baby's teeth have grown in, you need to take steps to prevent buildup of bacteria on the gums.

5 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Dental Bonding For Receding Gums

Your gums hold your teeth in place by covering the roots where they attach to the jaw bone, but age, disease, and bad oral hygiene cause the tissue to shrink over time. Receding gums expose the roots of the affected teeth. If you're noticing yellow edges where the gum tissue is disappearing or sensitivity along those edges to heat or cold, inexpensive and quick dental bonding might be the best way to reverse the problem.

Dental Reshaping And Contouring: What You Need To Know

Healthy teeth can play a big role in your confidence, and many aren't blessed with a naturally perfect set. Cosmetic dental procedures grow increasingly popular, with Americans spending 2.75 billion dollars on cosmetic treatments each year, as people look for ways to improve the appearance of their pearly whites. You might be looking to fix overlapping teeth, irregular shaped teeth, or small chips. Dental reshaping and contouring is something you might be considering, especially if you have some minor defects in your teeth that you want to fix with immediate results.

5 Things You Need To Know About Root Resorption

Root resorption occurs when your body eats away and then dissolves the cells that make up the roots of your teeth. This is a serious problem that can lead to tooth loss if it's not treated. Here are five things you need to know about root resorption. What are the signs of root resorption? There are often no signs of root resorption, but some people will experience pain or discomfort in the affected tooth.

Chronic Bad Breath? Check Your Digestive System And Diet

If your morning breath is less than stellar no matter how much you brush and floss your teeth, check your diet and digestive system. Sometimes, bad breath develops because of what you eat and drink every day, even if you practice great oral hygiene. Some types of food and beverages contain ingredients or additives that change the flora or healthy bacteria inside your stomach, liver and intestines. These problems clog up your digestive system overnight and produce foul odors that travel up to your throat and mouth in the morning.

The 4 Most Common Pediatric Dental Problems

When it comes to your child's health, there are probably numerous things that you take into consideration. A child's general health is something that most parents think about on a near constant basis. However, there are numerous phenomenona and bodily orientations that parents tend to forget about. Among the most common of the forgotten forms of child health care is related to dental issues. Many parents simply believe that since a child's set of teeth will be replaced with adult teeth, they need not worry about oral health as much as other parts of the body.

Tooth Damage In Your Child And How You Can Prevent It

Your child relies upon you as their parent to teach them how to take care of their oral health. If your child learns how to brush their teeth too aggressively, they can do permanent damage to their teeth. The following information explains tooth damage and how to prevent it by teaching your child proper brushing with a formed habit. Prevent Tooth Damage and Sensitivity According to a nationwide member survey conducted by the Academy of General Dentistry, one in three dentists say aggressive tooth-brushing is the most common cause of sensitive teeth.

Internal Sinus Lifting And Maxillary Sinusitis: What You Need To Know

If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental implant can help restore your smile. Dentists can offer several types of implants, but surgery is often difficult in certain parts of the mouth. Sinus lifting is a form of dental surgery that can make it possible for a dentist to install an implant in your upper jaw, but this procedure can increase the risk of a disease called maxillary sinusitis.