A Root Canal

2 Reasons To Encourage Your Child To Start Flossing Even When They Only Have Their Baby Teeth

When your child's baby teeth started coming in, you may have started with a gentle brushing routine to keep them clean. And now that they are older, you are starting to encourage them as they start to brush their own teeth. 

While you may already know that flossing is an integral part of keeping your child's teeth and gums healthy, you may believe that you do not need to start teaching them how until their permanent teeth start coming in. However, there are a couple of reasons why you should start encouraging your child to start flossing even when they only have their baby teeth. 

1. Gives Them a Head Start on Keeping Their Gums Healthy

One reason why you should start encouraging your child to start flossing while they still have their baby teeth is that it gives them a head start on keeping their gums healthy. Even baby teeth can start to develop tartar and plaque from food caught in the gaps between the teeth.

The bacteria that thrive on these sticky substances can start to adversely affect gums even at an early age. When you have your child start flossing at the time their dentist recommends, it helps to keep the tartar, plaque, and bacterial development at bay so that their gums can continue their healthy growth.

2. Helps Them Establish Flossing as an Important Part of Their Oral Care Routine

Another reason why you need to start teaching your child to floss at an early age is that it helps them to develop it as a habit. The younger your child, the easier it is to help them establish flossing as an integral part of their oral care routine.

By encouraging this habit early, they will have an easier time clinging to the routine. During their next dental appointment, you can request that the dentist not only show them how to floss but also explain in age-appropriate language why your child needs to get into the habit of flossing.

Even though your child still has their baby teeth, you should start encouraging them to floss as early as possible. Doing so helps them to establish flossing as an important part of their lifetime dental hygiene routine that will help to keep their gums healthy. If you are unsure how to approach the subject or need help teaching your child the proper way to floss their teeth, make an appointment with a family dentist to enlist their help during a dental checkup.

Reach out to a family dental clinic to learn more.
