A Root Canal

3 Things To Know About Root Canals Before You Decide Not To Get One

Hearing the news that you need a root canal is probably not what you wanted to find out, but there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Getting a root canal can be expensive, depending on the tooth and the work needed, and you could end up having to pay up to $2,000. Because of this, many people wonder if they can solve the problem in a way that is cheaper. If you are stuck in this situation, here are three important things you should know.

There Is No Good Alternative

When a dentist at a clinic like Grace Dental tells you that a root canal is needed, it is because the pulp of the tooth is infected. The pulp is found in the roots of the tooth, and the only way to remove this infection is through a root canal.

A root canal procedure involves getting inside the roots of the tooth and removing the infected pulp and nerve. This procedure basically cleans out the entire cavity of the tooth's roots and stops the infection from damaging the tooth any further.

The only true way to fix an infection in this area of a tooth is through a root canal. Your dentist may give you antibiotics to help clear up the infection; however, taking antibiotics will not permanently fix the problem. The tooth pulp could easily become infected once again at some point in the future. Taking the medication can prolong your need for a root canal, but only by four to five weeks.

Pulling The Tooth Leaves Consequences

The work needed for a root canal is necessary if you want to stop the infection from spreading and if you want to save the tooth, but there is an alternative. Unfortunately, this is not considered a good alternative. If you want to avoid spending a lot of money on this tooth, you could talk to your dentist about extraction.

Extracting a permanent tooth with infected roots will solve the problem you are currently facing, but it will create additional problems. One of the main problems is an empty gap in your mouth. When there is an empty spot from a missing tooth, your other teeth will begin to shift to fill the gap. In addition, your gums might get irritated easier, which could lead to developing gum disease.

You should also consider that you will have to live the rest of your life without this tooth, unless you want to pay to have it replaced with a dental bridge or dental implant. The problem with these two options is that they are both costly too.

Because of these reasons, dentists do not usually recommend pulling a tooth if it needs a root canal. Keeping your real tooth is always the best route to take, and getting a root canal may be the only way to do this.

Doing Nothing Could Lead To Major Problems

Finally, it is important to realize that if you leave an infected tooth alone and decide not to get a root canal, you could end up with major problems. Having an infection in any part of your body can make you sick, and infections can easily spread from one part of the body to others, including from an infected tooth.

If you leave the infection in your body, you could develop septicemia. Septicemia is a condition caused by untreated infections, and it causes infections to spread through the bloodstream to many parts of the body, including the heart and lungs. If this occurs, you could end up in the hospital for treatment. It is a very serious condition, but you a root canal reduces your chances of getting it.

If you need a root canal, it is better to get it than to avoid it.
